Our vision at Mirfield Evangelical Church is to be true to our name. The word ‘evangelical’ is an unusual one, but it comes from the Greek word evangel, which means ‘good news’. We’re unashamed to be all about the good news of Jesus Christ. We want to proclaim the good news to our great town of Mirfield, to grow in the good news as we gather each week to worship God and listen to the Bible preached, and to live out the good news as a loving community of God’s people.
We believe in:
The full verbal, divine inspiration of the 39 books of the Old and the 27 books of the New Testament Scriptures and none other, as originally given by the Holy Spirit. These alone are the Word of God and are without error and wholly reliable in both fact and doctrine. They are the only authority and are perpetually sufficient in all matters of faith and practice.
The one true God who is distinct from all his creatures in his being and glory. This one God exists in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who are co-equal and co-eternal in true deity, the same in substance, power and glory and who is sovereign in creation, providence and redemption.
The inherent evil of every part of human nature from conception, in consequence of the fall of Adam into sin, rendering man unable to do right and justly subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.
The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ who is holy, righteous, and full of grace, mercy, compassion and love; his free and sincere offer in the gospel to all people everywhere to come to him by repentance towards God and faith in his Son and to have eternal life.

The full deity and true manhood of our Lord Jesus Christ; his eternal pre-existence and glory as the Son of God; the true literal fact of his virgin birth and sinless life; the authority and infallibility of all he said and did; his perfect, all-sufficient meritorious atoning death by which alone sin can be expiated. God’s wrath propitiated and sinners saved; his bodily resurrection and ascension into heaven; his triune ministry of prophet, priest and king and thus his intercession for his people at the right hand of the Father; and his personal, universal, future and final return in glory.
The full deity of the Holy Spirit, and that his work is essential for regeneration, conversion, assurance, sanctification, witness, ministry and worship and a true spiritual understanding of the Scriptures.
The justification of the sinner solely by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
The grace of God, by which we mean his free unmerited favour. Those he loves he unconditionally chooses, predestines to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, calls, justifies, sanctifies and glorifies.
The final return of the Lord Jesus in glory, bringing about the bodily resurrection of all the dead and the final judgment by him of all mankind; the eternal blessedness of the righteous and the conscious eternal punishment of the wicked.