It’s nearly here again!
As you busy yourself making preparations, buying presents, decorating the tree and stuffing the turkey, do you ever stop and ask yourself why?
Why Christmas?
When all the tinsel is stripped away, what’s it all about?
The great news is that there's more to Christmas than turkey and tinsel. In fact, it’s all about celebrating the reality at the heart of the universe – that God’s own Son came into the world as a real human being, a tiny baby in a manger in Bethlehem. Christmas is all about Jesus Christ.
But that raises another question:
Why Jesus? Why did God come down to his world at all? The Bible answers that question for us: “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” (1 Timothy 1:15) The true story of Christmas is all about a big rescue. All of us are sinners. We’ve all failed to live God’s way in God’s world. We’ve chosen to ignore him, reject him, and replace him. And that puts us in grave danger. All of us deserve God’s just judgment. But at Christmas, God himself stepped in to rescue us. He came in the person of his Son to live the life we should have lived and to die the death we deserved to die. He came into the world to save sinners like me and you. That’s worth celebrating!
As a group of local people who’ve been rescued from our sin by Jesus Christ, we at Mirfield Evangelical Church want to invite you to discover him this Christmas.
Happy Christmas!
You are warmly invited to our carol services:
Sunday 17th December at 4pm – Family Carols
Sunday 24th December at 5pm – Traditional Carols
Festive refreshments will be served after each carol service
Happy Christmas