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Dry Dirt Road

Sunday Morning:

Lessons in discipleship from Luke's Gospel

On the road with Jesus

Sunday Evening: Confident Christianity


Hello, and welcome to our website: thanks for stopping by! 

Perhaps you’re wondering what our church is all about. The answer is simple: we’re all about Jesus Christ. 

Jesus is far more than an interesting historical figure or a good moral teacher. He is the Son of God, who became a human being like us, so that he could live the perfect, blameless life we should have lived (but haven’t), and die the death we should have died (so that we don’t have to). Jesus rose again from death to show that the price of our rebellion against God has been paid, that death has been defeated, and the way for humans to be friends with God is open.

We think that’s the best news in the world, and we want everyone in our great town of Mirfield to have the chance to hear it and to turn and trust in Jesus. It’s why the gospel – this good news about Jesus Christ – is at the heart of everything we do as a church.

If you’d like to find out more, the best thing to do would be to drop in on a Sunday morning, or get in touch if you’d like to speak to someone.

We hope to see you soon!


Image by Aaron Burden

Sunday Services

Image by Sincerely Media

Midweek Meetings

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Children's Clubs


MEC Sunday Morning Service 12th January. 'We will tell the next generation'

MEC Sunday Morning Service 12th January. 'We will tell the next generation'

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